
vertical market

New Build
project type

The Vision: Learners as Doers

Indian Hill aimed to develop innovative, engaging, and flexible learning environments where students become Learners as Doers and prepare themselves for future careers. To achieve this vision, they partnered with LOTH to help them achieve these goals.

The Process: Rigorous Research and Pilot Classrooms

The process began with extensive research and the creation of pilot classrooms, allowing educators and students to test the latest classroom products.

Key Metrics:

  • 100% of educators vetted new furniture selections
  • 100% of students provided input
  • 1,040 students participated in lab classroom design
  • 48 lab classroom visits conducted

This approach saved Indian Hill approximately $355,594 by refining their furniture requirements and avoiding unnecessary costs.

Overcoming Market Challenges

LOTH also helped Indian Hill save an additional $600,000 by negotiating preferential pricing with core manufacturing partners despite a 20-40% increase in furniture costs across the industry. This enabled Indian Hill to stay within 5% of their original budget, demonstrating the importance of thorough research and strategic partnerships.

Key Learnings and Insights

Research revealed several insights:

  • Engagement: Vertical and horizontal writing spaces are crucial.
  • Flexibility: Students benefit from adjustable furniture.
  • Comfort: Comfortable seating enhances learning.
  • Mobility: Mobile furniture supports dynamic teaching.
  • Culture: Spaces beyond the classroom affect school culture.
  • Variety: Diverse seating options make school more engaging.

The Result: A State-of-the-Art Middle School

The new 118,500 square foot Indian Hill Middle School offers world-class facilities for grades six through eight. Features include:

  • STEM Innovation Center: Fab Lab, Multimedia Studio, Project Lab.
  • Central Commons: Large display areas and mobile furniture for collaboration.
  • Flexible Furniture: Supports evolving pedagogy.
  • Dining Commons: Various seating options, integrated technology, and outdoor connection.
  • Clustered Classrooms: Central learning commons with outdoor project porches.
  • Health and Well-being: Designed for the well-being of students, faculty, and staff.

Conclusion: A Commitment to Excellence

LOTH and Indian Hill’s partnership and dedication to creating innovative spaces has resulted in a cutting-edge new middle school where students can thrive and dream big.

Project Team

Project Lead
Andrea Akin
Workplace Advisor
Contact Me
Support Team
Kristy Bradford
Workplace Designer
Support Team
Aubrey Shoup
Workplace Coordinator
Support Team
Angie Wood
Project Manager
MSA Design
Cincinnati, Ohio
Indian Hill Exempted Village Schools
Cincinnati, Ohio