LOTH HyFlex Collaboration Event | Steelcase Learning VX
We understand educators, leaders and designers like you are always thinking about how to create more engaging learning environments that create better outcomes. More than ever, experiences and spaces need to be reimagined to make face-to-face or hybrid learning even better than before.
At Steelcase, we continue to draw upon the knowledge of a network of global education clients, thought leaders and experts to explore and understand the latest implications to teaching and learning. Together, we focus on learning, wherever it happens and that includes experiences at K-12 schools, higher education institutions or in the workplace.
Featured spaces include: Four new tech-integrated hybrid learning classrooms designed with new insights that meaningfully integrate technology into the learning experience. These classrooms help customers create ready-made hybrid learning spaces that improve participant engagement at any scale.
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We would like to invite you to a live, virtual session to tour new insight-led learning spaces from Steelcase and experience new insights and solutions to help activate everywhere that learning happens. During the sessions, you will experience emerging hybrid spaces that enable people to become active, collaborative learners and workers while hearing from our space and technology experts.