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Community Is the Center of Hospitality

Guest experience is crucial in the hospitality industry, but what is the best way to prioritize that? Hospitality is more than just an experience, vacation, or dining. It’s creating a memorable moment for people that they can carry throughout their life. There are some factors to consider when strategizing the best guest experience possible. Getting…

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Making The Office Relevant Again

As work patterns change and we continue to see a trend in creating sustainable environments, designers are struggling to create relevant office spaces. It is not enough to have an office building for employees to work out of. Instead, many buildings offer an area that the community can benefit from—for example, creating a bottom floor…

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Rethinking The Office Design

For many years, having a private office was seen as a sign of success for individuals. Over time, that incentive changed, and having open floor plans for employees created a sense of equality among everyone, regardless of their title. Now, companies are reevaluating the best option: open spaces or private offices. With hybrid schedules on…

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Design Trends For 2024

With the new year comes new design trends we can expect to see in 2024. Connection is at the forefront of next year’s designs, more now than ever before. People are searching for more ways to connect to environments and people, especially in a post-pandemic world. Sustainability has recently become a hot topic in design,…

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Reinventing Well-being in the Workplace

For many people, the pandemic changed their views on the workplace and shed more light on some of the stressors that come from the daily grind. Workplace stress can be detrimental to one’s mental health, and there is a sudden increase in companies prioritizing the overall well-being of their employees. So, what exactly is well-being?…

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Inclusive Design for the Workplace

Inclusion hasn’t always been a focus for corporations, but over the recent years, many companies have put more of an emphasis on not only inclusivity but also creating inclusive spaces. But what exactly is inclusive design, and how does a company incorporate that? For one, inclusive decision is not a one-size-fits-all idea. Instead, it is…

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Key Elements for Creating Success Amongst Your Employees

Four key elements are crucial for employees to thrive in: people-first culture, utilizing the office for connection and collaboration, team agreements, and designing with adaptability. Companies should prioritize these elements to continue down the path of success. People-first culture speaks to the idea that employees should be at the top of the mind when it…

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Getting Employees Eager For The Office

As many employees started working from home instead of the office, the need for connection grew, but it required more than just a Zoom call. There was an emphasis on face-to-face meetings to not only brainstorm and collaborate but also build on working relationships. As we see a shift back to the office, there is…

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The Importance Of Artwork

Art may be a low priority when it comes to updating your workplace, but it’s an element that should be seriously considered. There are some added benefits when choosing the right art pieces for the office, like mood, performance, or positive well-being. While the office can mostly be comprised of desks and chairs, artwork can…

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Supporting Employees Through Workplace Amenities

It may come as a surprise for some, but Gen Z (individuals ages 18-24) is enthusiastic to be back in the office. With enthusiasm comes expectations from their workplace to provide amenities like social interaction and an emphasis on mental and physical health. While older generations hold higher value to a remote or hybrid schedule,…

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